Bite the Hand by Mansel Robinson

This was the world premiere production. Bite the Hand is published by Scirocco Drama. Theatrical, hilarious, and horrifying, Bite The Hand has everything: anti-American rants, pro-American rants; a rousing song, debates of the plays own merits, a car chase, romance, and unexpected violence. Bite the Hand is the work of one of Canada’s most inventive and insightful playwrights at the top of his game.

Photos by Peter Christensen

Review Quotes

The back-and-forth at Friday’s opening was crisp and the dialogue sharp. Caustic, rule-breaking, highly-inventive comedy A roiling writers cauldron of wit, righteous indignation, and audacious inspiration. Wolfe had tons of fun bringing this thing to life, solving what could be big problems in clever ways. How on earth, for instance, do you depict on stage a car speeding down the highway and slamming into a moose?

— Cam Fuller, Can West Global / Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Artistic and Production Personnel

Directed by Richard Wolfe
Starring: Kent Allen, Jacklyn Green, Robert Benz and Caitlin Vancoughnett
Set Design by Carla Orosz (SATAward Outstanding Achievement in Set Design)
Lighting Design by Bill McDermott
Costume Design by Carla Orosz
Sound Design by Ley Ward
Stage Management by Angela Christie